Study Visit at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, April 25-29, 2022

2021-2022 years
In perioada 25-29 Aprilie 2022, 3 membri ai echipei de implementare al proiectului Jean Monnet EUPROIN au realizat o vizită de studiu la Universitatea Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.
In cadrul acestei vizite de studiu, echipa proiectului, formată din Dna Rodica CRUDU, Dna Olesea PLOTNIC si Dl Dorin CIMIL, a avut câteva întâlniri cu următorii profesori și cercetători:
– Philippe Dupichot, președintele Asociației Henri Capitant – Franța, profesor la Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne;
– Anne-Marie LEROYER, Director al Institutului de Cercetare Juridică, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne;
– Cyril Grimaldi, Secretar General al Asociației Henri Capitant – Franța, profesor la Université Paris II, Panthéon Assas;
– Claire Sejean, Secretar General adjunct al Asociației Henri Capitant – Franța, profesor la Université Paris XII.
During these meetings, Ms. Rodica CRUDU, EUPROIN Project Coordinator, presented the objectives of the Jean Monnet Support to Associations in European Integration and Intellectual Property Protection Studies / “EUPROIN” project, spoke about the activities carried out, and presented the main deliverables of the project.
Ms. Plotnic Olesea, member of the EUPROIN team and Secretary General of the Association Henri Capitant of Legal Culture of Moldova / AHCCJ, proposed to discuss some aspects of future collaboration, such as:
1. elaboration and presentation of a book on the Moldovan Law system;
2. joint scientific activities for the academic year 2022-2023;
3. affiliation with Henri Capitant France magazine with the possibility of publishing scientific articles in Moldova.
4. other matters of common interest.
Mr Cimil Dorin expressed confidence that the development of relations between the EUPROIN project team and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne will bring lasting and promising results to both parties.
The team members also had the opportunity to study the latest and most relevant sources in the Library of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, which inspired the team members to take over the good practice of the French model of study and research.
This study visit was an essential element both in the professional development of the team members and in the improvement of their intercultural skills. The study visit provided team members with the opportunity to experience a new international environment, giving researchers added value to their personal and academic experience. In addition, these study visits allow the sustainability of the network by generating the premises for long-term projects.