IPR Workshop 1 for Business and Policy Makers
Online. Pltaforma ZOOM

On November 6, 2020, the workshop “The role of intellectual property in developing a successful business” was organized by AO of Legal Culture Henri Captain Moldova in collaboration with AGEPI, ODIMM, French Alliance and French Embassy in the Republic of Moldova
This event is an activity planned and carried out within the Jean Monnet Support to Associations project in European Integration and Intellectual Property Protection Studies / EUPROIN, implemented with the support of the Erasmus + program of the European Union.
The workshop was dedicated to the business environment and decision makers in the field of intellectual property, being also open to academia and the general public.
The objectives of the event were oriented towards:
- strengthening, understanding and awareness of the role of intellectual property development in the EU and the Republic of Moldova;
- informing and sensitizing the business environment and civil servants in Moldova about the importance of developing intellectual property in the process of European integration, but also the economic growth of Moldova in general
- awareness of the need to integrate intellectual property objects in the development strategies of enterprises, in particular;
- analysis and dissemination of achievements and challenges of intellectual property development in the EU and the Republic of Moldova;
- increasing the visibility of research conducted in the field of issues related to the protection of intellectual property, etc.
The event was opened with a welcoming message from:
• Rodica CRUDU, Dr., associate professor, project coordinator Jean Monnet EUPROIN
• Viorel IUSTIN, General Director of the State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)
• Iulia COSTIN, Director General, Organization for the Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector (ODIMM)
• Alexanre Chavanne, representative of the French Alliance of Moldova
Representatives of decision makers stressed the importance of raising awareness of the role of intellectual property and the integration of intellectual property objects in business development strategies in the context of European integration and implementation of the Association Agreement of the Republic of Modlova to the European Union.
During the workshop, the experts from the EUPROIN project, the representative of the World Intellectual Property Agency (WIPO), representatives of AGEPI, etc. were invited to instruct business representatives on the impact of the Association Agreement on the regulatory framework for intellectual property protection, the procedure, cost and available strategies for intellectual property registration.
The agenda of the event can be consulted here
The event presented an increased interest, in the subject of protection of intellectual property in the context of implementing the association agreement of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, from the side of the representatives of business environment and decision, being attended by the large number of participants (about 80 – 90 people).
The event was organized online, through the Zoom platform. The video recording of the event can be found here
Part 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRetJ_QjaQw
Part 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7ga0W_g-6s
Power Point Presentations presented during the event can be found here
Photos and screenshots from the event can be seen here – https://photos.app.goo.gl/UGtAGCHXRaQ8hAwx6