IPR Youth Seminar (Balti)

On October 16, 2020, starting with 13.00, the Association of Legal Culture Henri Capitant Moldova organized the seminar “European Union and Intellectual Property Protection” for young people in Balti.
The host of this event was the State University “Alecu Russo” from Balti (USARB), being represented during the event by Dr., associate professor. Valentina Pritcan, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, which opened the event.
During this seminar, the more than 40 young people benefited from comprehensive information about the European Union – the most emancipated union in the world, the stages of European integration and EU creation, the role and place of the EU in the global economy, the EU institutional framework, EU policy in the field protection of intellectual property, EU-Moldova relations, as well as the role of the EU in promoting European and international standards in the regulation of intellectual property rights in the Republic of Moldova.
This seminar was moderated by Dr. Rodica Crudu, coordinator of the EUPROIN project, who was also a trainer with her colleague, Dr. hab. Olesea Plotnic, Secretary General of the AO Henri Captain Moldova.
The information presented during this seminar made it possible to achieve the objectives set, namely:
1) Increasing the level of information of young people in the Republic of Moldova on European integration, EU policy in the field of intellectual property protection, the purposes of protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) and their awareness of the need to combat unfair competition and counterfeit products;
2) Increasing the capacity of young people to make the right choice and to raise their knowledge in the field of IPR
3) Inspiring young people to be innovative and generate ideas on IPR-protected business plans
4) Creating a platform for discussion and exchange of views on the main challenges of European integration and identifying ways to promote the Europeanization of the Republic of Moldova, etc.
– Photos and screenshots from the event can be seen here – https://photos.app.goo.gl/fWHYKFCFXVfbSFZ8A
– The video recording of the training can be seen here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNnAYfmNtXQ