Jean Monnet Conference “Intellectual Property Development in the EU and Moldova: Challenges and Perspectives”, March 12th, 2021

2020-2021 years
On March 12th, took place the Jean Monnet Conference “Intellectual Property Development in the EU and Moldova: Challenges and Perspectives”. This conference is an activity organized within the project Jean Monnet Support to Associations in European Integration and Intellectual Property Protection Studies / EUPROIN, implemented by Association of Legal Culture Henri Capitant Moldova with the support of Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
The purpose of the Conference was to strengthen the understanding and awareness of researchers on the development of intellectual property (IP) in the EU and beyond the EU, including Moldova; to increase the visibility of the research on issues related to IP protection; to inform and sensitize the representatives of NGOs and civil servants on the importance of IP development for Moldova’s integration and its economic growth; to analyze the achievements and problems of IP development, etc.
The conference PROGRAM can be consulted HERE
The event was opened with a greeting message by Mrs. Rodica Crudu, PhD, associate professor, Director of Programs and Projects within AO Henri Capitant Moldova, who is also the coordinator of the EUPROIN project. With greeting messages also participated:
– Dr. Dorin Cimil, President of AO Henri Captain Moldova;
– Dr. Natalia Mogol, Deputy General Manager, State Intellectual Property Agency (AGEPI);
– Mr. Alexandre Chavanne, French Alliance of Moldova.
The plenary session of the conference was opened by GIL ROBLES Jose Mª, Honorary President of European International Movement and Honorary President of EuroMediterranean University Institute, Former European Parliament President (1997-1999).
The plenary session was Livestreamed on the Youtube channel of the EUPROIN Project. The video recording of the plenary session can be viewed HERE
For the plenary session, 3 presentations were selected to give insights about the three parallel panels that followed after the coffee break, having as speakers:
- Professor HEINEMANN Andreas, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich, Switzerland; member of the Swiss Competition Committee. He delivered the presentation entitled “Patent Strategies and Competition Law“. Discussions on the subject of interference between intellectual property and competition continued in panel 1 “Competition, Intellectual Property and Economic Growth”, moderated by Dr. Rodica Crudu
The video recording with the discussions from panel nr.1 can be viewed HERE
Dr. PAVIS Mathilde, Senior Lecturer, Exeter Law School, University of Exeter who delivered a presentation on the topic: “The impact of artificial intelligence on the use and protection of performances”. Discussions on this topic continued in panel nr. 2 “Intellectual Property in support of creative industries”, which was moderated by Dr. Natalia Mogol.
The video recording with the discussions from panel nr. 2 can be viewed HERE
- PENIN Julien, Prof., Faculty of economics and management, University of Strasbourg, who spoke about “Obstacle or accelerator of innovation? Intellectual property at a crossroads“. Discussions on this topic continued in panel nr. 3 entitled “European Integration and Intellectual Property Protection”, this panel being moderated by Dr. Hab. Olesea Plotnic and Dr. Dorin Cimil.
The video recording with the discussions from panel nr. 3 can be viewed HERE
During the conference, researchers from such countries as: France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, presented their results.
The theme of the conference and the topics addressed during the event were of great interest, being registered over 90 participants.
We would like to thank the partners of the EUPROIN project:
1) State Intellectual Property Agency (AGEPI), which provided speakers in the conference panels
2) The Embassy of France in Moldova and the French Alliance in Moldova for the co-financing of AO Henri Capitant in the implementation of the project.
Thank you all for contributing to the success of the conference and active participation in the debates!
Some screenshots from the conference can be accessed HERE