Seminar for youth from the left bank of the Dniester River entitled “European Union and Intellectual Property Protection”, Tiraspol, March 9, 2021
Zoom Platform

2020-2021 years
Today, March 9, 2021, a seminar entitled “European Union and Intellectual Property Protection” was organized for approx. 30 young people from the left bank of the Dniester, Tiraspol.
The event was organized within the Jean Monnet Support to Associations project in European Integration and Intellectual Property Protection Studies / EUPROIN, no. ref. 611344-EPP-1-2019-1-MD-EPPJMO-SUPPA, implemented by the AO of Legal Culture Henri Capitant, with the support of the Erasmus + program of the European Union.
This seminar was organized in collaboration with the State University of Tiraspol “Taras Shevcenco”, which, during this event, was represented by Ms. Vladlena LISENCO, Dr. Hab., Associate professor, who also moderated this event.
As speakers in this seminar participated:
– Rodica Crudu, PhD, associate professor, coordinator of the EUPROIN project, who made a presentation of the project, but also spoke about the regulatory framework for intellectual property protection in the context of implementing the Association Agreement with the European Union;
– Vladlena Lisenco, member of the EUPROIN project implementation team, who spoke on the legal dimension of intellectual property protection policy and competition policy;
– Olesea Plotnic, dr. hab., member of the EUPROIN project implementation team, with the presentation “Entrepreneurial activity in the exercise of intellectual property rights. Aspects of national and EU legislation “
The guest speaker at this seminar was Dr. Karsten NOWROT, Professor of Public Law, European Law and International Economic Law at Hamburg University, Germany, who spoke to young people about “Ensuring global access to COVID-19 vaccines in the light of intellectual property rights – Regulatory Options under the TRIPS Agreement”.
All the presentation presented high interest to the participants of this seminar, which ended with a Questions and Answers session.
The Program of the seminar can be accessed HERE.
If you did not manage to attend the seminar, you can see the viodeo recording of the event HERE
Some screenshots/ photos from the event can be seen HERE
Thank you everyone for attending the seminar!