Webinar “The role of intellectual property in developing a successful business” June 4, 2021

2020-2021 years
This event was organized in online format by the Association of Legal Culture Henri Capitant Moldova in collaboration with AGEPI and ODIMM, within the project Jean Monnet Support to Associations in European Integration and Intellectual Property Protection Studies / EUPROIN, implemented with the support of Erasmus + of the European Union.
The workshop was dedicated to the business environment and decision makers in the field of intellectual property and aimed to strengthen, understand and raise awareness of the role of intellectual property development (IP) in the EU and the Republic of Moldova; informing and sensitizing the business environment and civil servants in Moldova about the importance of developing intellectual property for the integration and economic growth of Moldova in general, but also the need to integrate intellectual property objects in the development strategy of enterprises, in particular; analysis of the achievements and challenges of intellectual property development in the EU and the Republic of Moldova; increasing the visibility of research conducted in the field of issues related to IP protection, etc.
The event was moderated by Ms. Rodica CRUDU, PhD, associate professor, coordinator of the EUPROIN project and was opened with greeting messages from:
– Viorel IUSTIN, Director General of the State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI), partner institution in the implementation of the EUPROIN project
– Iulia COSTIN, General Manager, Organization for the Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector, partner institution in the workshops dedicated to the business environment
– Alexandre CHAVANNE, representative of the French Alliance and the French Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, who is also a co-financier of this project.
During the event, representatives of the business environment and decision makers had the chance to listen and discuss topics such as:
– Protection of trade marks, design and geographical indications at Community level; Integration of intellectual property objects in enterprise development strategies (Natalia MOGOL, PhD, Deputy General Manager of AGEPI, key expert in the EUPROIN project implementation team);
– Between purpose and reality towards individualizing a business: (Andrei MOISEI, AGEPI Principal Consultant);
– Protection of international trademarks, design and geographical indications: the Madrid, The Hague and Lisbon systems (Violeta GHETU, Lawyer, Trademark and Design Sector, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva)
– Protection of intellectual property rights in the European space. Duties of economic agents and consumer rights in the field of IPR (Olesea PLOTNIC, Dr. hab., Secretary General of the Association of Legal Culture Henri Capitant, Moldova, key expert in the EUPROIN project)
– Ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights in the Republic of Moldova and combating product counterfeiting (Ion ȚÎGANAȘ, Dr., associate professor, lawyer)
Those over 80 participants were active and addeessed various questions to the speakers, and at the end stressed the importance of awareness of the role of intellectual property and integration of intellectual property in business development strategies in the context of European integration and implementation of the Modlova Association Agreement. European.
The video recording of the event can be sees here.